Tamaqua Mayor Christian Morrison joined Tamaqua Area High School German teacher Mary Ruth Taylor in welcoming a group of 20 students and three adults from the Otto Hahn Academic High School in Landau,...
The air was filled with music and activity in downtown Jim Thorpe over the weekend as hundreds of visitors came by car and train to enjoy the vibrant fall foliage colors.
Colorful mountainsides were n...
AMVETS Post 83 in Lansford recently presented the Wilkes-Barre Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center with a check for $450, which the post collected through donations. Presenting the check fro...
Rich Hildebrand, fire chief; and Matt Epser, Chad Green, Mike Rehrig and Jamie Andrews, firefighters, talked to people at Dream Come True's Benefit Festival and Car Show about the fire company and the...
A Lansford police officer is credited with possibly saving the life of an elderly woman during a fire in her residence late Saturday afternoon.
The woman, 93-year-old Giselle Pavlick, 307 W. Abbott St...
A two vehicle traffic accident occurred at about 6:22 a.m. Monday at the Normal Square intersection in Mahoning Township. Rebecca Ondrovic, 25, of New Ringgold, was traveling east on SR443 in a 1998 M...
State police at Frackville are investigating an assault incident that occurred early Sunday morning in a Schuylkill County community.
Troopers said Anthony Burke, 38, of 127 Furnace Rd., New Philadelp...
The Tamaqua Fire Department held its annual Fire Prevention Program at the St Jerome Elementary School Wednesday, Oct. 7. Fire trucks from all Tamaqua Fire Companies were staged in the school parking ...
Garden club
The Lewistown Valley Garden Club held its annual Tea on Sept. 29. The event was held in the social hall of Zion's Church, Lewistown Valley. Club members were joined by friends and guests f...