PLEASANT VALLEY PAY PLAN OUT OF CONTROL To the Pleasant Valley School Board regarding your handling of taxpayers money! The pay plan is way out of control, the ...
Ebike fire in Franklin Firefighters responded to an eBike fire Wednesday afternoon on Franklin Township. The fire was reported just after 3 p.m...
Turnpike to close Mahoning exit overnight The Pennsylvania Turnpike (PA Turnpike) advises motorists traveling on the Northeast Extension (Interstate 476) that the...
Slatington lions hold tree fundraiser Slatington Lions Club is selling Christmas trees to raise money for the community. The hours are weeknights 4-8 p.m. and...
OPINION: PLEASANT VALLEY SHOULD SET A GOOD EXAMPLE Every month during the school year the Pleasant Valley School Board sets aside time to praise students and staff for...
Basket raffle planned A Christmas Basket Raffle, bake sale, food sale and holiday item sale will take place from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Char Wills ...
Palmerton Cat Project making an impact Over 1,800 cats and kittens since 2014, now have a better quality of life thanks to the caring team and their supporters...
Event to showcase careers in health care People interested in careers in health care will have an opportunity to learn about hot jobs in the area, training progr...
Carbon County property transfers Deeds recorded Banks Township Calvin J. Gabos Jr. to Calvin J. Gabos Jr., P.O. Box 373, Tresckow, property at 26 N. Ches...
Sunshine Week Calls Attention to Darkening Skies Over Pa. Universities University employees engaged in sexual misconduct. Administrators misappropriating public funds. Scientists paid by industry groups to obtai...
ON THIS DATE MARCH 17, 1989 The Coaldale Fire Company unveiled the newest edition to its equipment force on Sunday. Company treasurer Ronald Polishchak, chairman of the...