West End news for Jan. 3, 2018 Monthly meeting The West End Home Association of the West End Memorial American Legion has its Home Association meeting ...
PennDOT announces roadwork The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation plans the following roadwork: Carbon Penn Forest Township: Jonas Road betw...
West End news for Dec. 21, 2017 Christmas Eve Various West End churches have announced their respective worship services for this weekend which includes...
West End news for Dec. 13, 2017 Children’s party The Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion is hosting a children’s Christmas party for all children of...
West End news for Dec. 6, 2017 Golden anniversary Our Lady Queen of Peace Church has begun its 50th anniversary celebration of the founding of the pari...
West End news for Dec. 27, 2017 Youth ministry Pleasant Valley Assembly of God Church, Brodheadsville, has announced that the only Wednesday service thi...
Monroe commissioners honor retiring county treasurer Claudette Segear has spent the last 41 years serving the people of Monroe County, the last 20 as the elected county trea...
West End news for Dec. 20, 2017 Choral concert The Pleasant Valley High School Choral Concert is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. today. Senior outing Zion Luthe...
West End news for Dec. 7, 2017 Seniors menu Being served on Friday at the Monroe County Senior Center, with the Chestnuthill group meeting at Zion Luth...
Regional roadwork Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has announced the upcoming road and bridge work in the region this week. Leh...
Letter to the editor: Gutting of federal agencies My Dear Heart was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer back in 2021. Never a smoker or someone who worked in an industry that would have expos...
ON THIS DATE MARCH 15, 1988 Edward J. Deichmeister of Northampton yesterday began his official duties as the newest borough manager in Lehighton. Hired at last night’s ...