Northern Lehigh School Board
In other business, Northern Lehigh School Board, on a 5-0 vote on Monday, with directors Mathias Green, Gregory Williams, Robert Keegan Jr., and Gale Husack absent, approved the following:
• Stipends for the following individuals: Andrew Kern for high school website maintenance, and working with students during the 2017-18 school year, $500, to be funded by the general fund high school student activities fund; as well as $1,000 for maintenance and updates of the district website during the 2017-18 school year, to be funded by the superintendent's budget; Janet Bashore for maintenance and updates of the Peters Elementary website during the 2017-18 school year, $500, to be funded by the Peters Elementary principal's discretionary account; and Kori Dibilio for maintenance and updates of the Slatington Elementary website during the 2017-18 school year, $500, to be funded by the Slatington Elementary principal's discretionary account.• Stephen Shuey as artistic director for the fall play/spring musical for the Northern Lehigh High School Student Theater Group, with the stipend for the artistic director to be $2,000, to be paid out of the general fund high school student activities fund.• Unpaid volunteer aides in the Peters, and/or Slatington Elementary school, and middle school for the 2017-18 school year: Margaret Blose; Patricia Bollinger; Susan Bowser; Andrea Fella; Deborah Geiger; Dixie Gross; Lori-Beth Guelcher; Karen Haberen; Sharon Karpiszin; Dawn Mayer; Janet McKelvey; Joanne Perich; Gina Serfass; Erica Szwast; Dawn Mayer; Elizabeth Vasquez; Nancy Wagner; and Sheila White, as well as Kristina Quay as an unpaid volunteer to assist in the technology department as needed.• Co-curricular appointments for the 2017-18 school year: Blasia Dunham, middle school Junior National Honor Society adviser, $448; James Schnyderite, middle school chorus adviser, $746; James Schnyderite, high school chorus adviser, $1,866; Maria VanNorman, freshman class adviser, $678.