Jim Thorpe hears comment on eliminating parking spots
Jim Thorpe Borough Council discussed parking at its meeting last week:
Ray Brader of 90 Broadway said he is opposed to a proposal to eliminate two parking spaces in front of 84 Broadway.Councilman Jay Miller said the matter never was officially introduced at a council meeting."What would be the purpose of doing this?" asked Brader.Miller said a request was made by the shop owner for the parking spots.Francine Cooper, a business owner, said she was the person who made the request and is seeking just one spot.She also told the council that since making the request, she has been harassed by Brader.The council discussed how parking is at a premium not only in downtown Jim Thorpe but also throughout the borough. Trucks must double-park on Broadway to make deliveries.Mayor Michael Sofranko said if parking is prohibited at the spot in question, it cannot be utilized for deliveries.The mayor agreed to meet with the parties involved in the dispute to see if a resolution can occur.In other business:• Jolene Evans said grass isn't being cut at the Liberties Hill along Route 209. She said eight years ago a grant permitted a sign and plants along the hill as long as the borough maintains it."Until this year, the borough has been maintaining it," she said.Miller said that since this is PennDOT property, the borough is concerned about liability issues.He said, "PennDOT is and has been trying to remove liability and maintenance on state roads in municipalities." He said PennDOT doesn't want to plow snow on streets in towns.He said the borough is looking into the specifications of the agreement for maintenance at the Liberties. He also said, "Speaking of Liberties, we've been trying to get the trees cut for the past two years."• The council agreed to switch Annie's Ice Cream stand from commercial to residential water, sewer and garbage account over the fall and winter months when the business is closed. "That's common sense in my opinion," Miller said.Councilman John McGuire was opposed.• The council tabled action on a nuisance ordinance.• The borough will sell to the highest bidder a sewer plate and frame sludge press through Municibid. The press will be used until the end of this month.• Council appointed Susan Mulderig to the Safety Committee and accepted the resignation of Joseph Schatz from the committee.• Elija Skrimcovsky was appointed to the Property Maintenance Board of Appeals.• The council tabled action on ending winter maintenance of borough roads at Trap Alley and Third Street.• It was reported that there are still vacancies on several borough commissions and boards. They include three vacancies on the Property Maintenance Board of Appeals, one vacancy on the Uniform Construction Code Appeals Board, one vacancy on the Shade Tree Commission, one vacancy on the Police Pension Board and one vacancy for Emergency Management Coordinator.