Jim Thorpe school board fills vacancy
Jim Thorpe Area School District's board of education inducted a new board member, Raniero Marciante, during a special meeting on Wednesday evening.
Marciante, a union electrician who moved to the area with his wife, Renee, and daughters Sarah Gabel, 17, and Alessandra, 11, in 2007, was sworn in by notary Kim Hill during the meeting.Marciante said that his primary focus is the students of the district, and ensuring that they receive the best education that they can."Ultimately, I'm excited about working with the kids, and for the kids. This is all about the kids. I'm looking forward to working with everyone here, too, and bringing some fresh ideas," he said.Marciante also said that he is particularly interested in the district tax reassessments and the search for a new assistant superintendent, two hot topics for the district over the past few months.Marciante replaces board member Michael Huber, who passed away on Sept. 7. Board President Michael Principe said that while elections are just a few months away, the open seat provided an opportunity for Marciante to get his feet wet with the workings of the board."We all miss Mr. Huber. He was a good friend," Principe said. "It's been a shock to lose two wonderful members in the past few months. But, we realized that we had to replace Mr. Huber at least for the remainder of this term until the next election. Mr. Marciante is going to be on the ballot for two positions, and he'll very likely be on the board, and so I recommended that we nominate him so he could get some experience before December, and the board agreed. It's good to have him."In other business• Marissa Andrews was approved as a long-term substitute elementary education teacher, BS Step 1, with a prorated salary of $44,170.• Susan Ruotolo was approved as a long-term substitute elementary education teacher, MS Step 1, with a prorated salary of $45,170.