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'Dead' students a reminder to classmates to drive safe

The Tamaqua Area Student Government Association (TASGA) held its annual Grim Reaper Day Thursday in the Tamaqua High School as part of the Prom Promise Week.

The event was held to show fellow classmates what it is like to be without a friend for a day as 25 students were randomly chosen to be "dead" vehicle passengers or drivers, and had to remain completely silent the entire day.Ashley Vambanburen, Hailey Arnold and Student Government Advisor Stephen Ulicny said it gives the students the feeling of not being there after being killed in a vehicle accident caused by drinking and driving, cell phone usage, texting, or social distractions.Every hour, "dead" students would go to the outside center court of the school and hit a loud gong as well as scream at the top of their lungs, representing the screaming sound they would have made during a deadly crash.

ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Samantha Guth, aka Reaper's assistant, makes "dead" students for Grim Reaper Day. Students are, front from left, Pete Baddick and Jarred Muffley; back row, Emily Hansler, left, and Joel Kulick.