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Diligence will dedicate flagpoles, monument in S. Hill

Members of the Diligence Fire Company No. 1, Summit Hill, will incorporate a flagpole dedication ceremony into the town's annual Memorial Day events on Monday.

The company recently completed installation of three flagpoles and a monument that memorializes fallen firefighters and commends all community firefighters. The site is in front of the Hilltop Community Center, adjacent to the DFC headquarters on Ludlow Street in the center of the community.The dedication ceremony will take place immediately after the 10 a.m. memorial services that are held in Ludlow Park on Memorial Day, and before the start of the annual Summit Hill Memorial Day Parade.The dedication will put the final touches on a project envisioned by the late Paul "Paulkie" Yuricheck, longtime DFC member and officer before his death."Paulkie always wanted us to put a shrine out front after the new fire company headquarters and the community center were built," said Bobby O'Gurek, who chaired the project on behalf of the company. "(Yuricheck) thought it would be a great tribute to all firemen, deceased and past and current members, and so we wanted to continue the project that was close to his heart."O'Gurek's grandmother, Marie (Evans) O'Donnell, helped with the project by making a monetary contribution toward a black granite monument that was purchased from the Walters Monument Company in the town. The monument will be unveiled as part of the dedication ceremony.O'Gurek also received complimentary flags through the efforts of Congressman Matt Cartwright and state Sen. John Yudichak, who represent Summit Hill in the U.S. House and PA Senate, respectively.A special American flag that flew over Afghanistan as part of Operation Inherent Resolve in honor of DFC No. 1 was received through the efforts of Lansford native Staff Sgt. Nathan Krajcirik, while serving with the PA Air National Guard, 193rd Expeditionary Special Operations Squadron.The project overseer also sought the assistance of Legionnaire John Kennedy in getting Post 316 to assist with the dedication ceremony. Kennedy recently became a fire policeman with DFC.Installation of the poles and monument was done by the volunteer firemen, making the site ready for Monday's ceremony.W. Kevin O'Donnell, Post 316 commander, will call the dedication ceremony to order, followed by the invocation by Gregory Miller, chaplain of the post.Presentation of the colors will follow.The American flags will be presented by Len Ogozalek Sr. and John R. Poko, firemen who served in the military, while Ron Yuricheck Jr. and Len Ogozalek Jr. will present the Pennsylvania flag and Larry Black and John C. Poko will install the firemen's flag. The three flags will be set at half-staff in observance of Memorial Day.O'Gurek and Fire Chief Shawn Hoben will unveil the monument and the dedication will close with a bugler playing taps, followed by a gun salute by Post 316 members.

Members of Diligence Fire Company are prepared to dedicate flagpoles and a monument in memory of fallen firefighters and in honor of past and present firemen in Summit Hill. They include, front, from left, John Kennedy, John R. Poko, project director Bobby O'Gurek, Leonard Ogozalek and Fire Chief Shawn Hoben; and back, Peter Matyascik, Jay Gilbert, Zach Rossman, John C. Poko, Larry Black, Leonard R. Ogozalek, Ron Yuricheck, Louis Mitchalk, Shawn McArdle and Jack Collura. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO