Published April 28. 2011 05:03PM
On Saturday, April 30, the Pocono Mountain Regional police, in conjunction with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), will conduct the Second National Take Back initiative at police headquarters located along SR940 in Pocono Summit.
The program provides citizens with the opportunity to surrender expired, unwanted or unused pharmaceutical controlled substances and other medications to law enforcement officers for destruction. The one day effort will bring national focus to the issue of pharmaceutical controlled substance abuse. It also provides citizens with a safe collection site.The collection will be conducted between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.The collection day protocols are as follows: controlled, non-controlled and over the counter medications will be collected; the program is absoluteliy anonymous and all efforts should be made to protect the identity of the individuals disposing of the medications, no questions or requests for indentification will be made at any time by law enforcement; participants will remove any personal information from bottles or packages that contain pills/capsules and liquids; and sharp objects including syringes will not be accepted.