Eagle Rock Resorts receives 90 day extension on subdivision
Eagle Rock Resorts Company, Hazleton, received a 90 day extension on its subdivision plan in North Union Township from the Schuylkill County Planning Commission at a meeting held Wednesday evening at the courthouse in Pottsville.
In its request for an extension for creating 133 new lots in its Algonquin Valley Subdivision in Eagle Rock Resorts in North Union Township it informed the commission DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) has determined that the project is an individual NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Emergency System) Permit and also expects to have technical comments from DEP within the next 30 days.The board also reviewed Eagle Rock's applications submitted to DEP a planning module for proposed Hidden Forest Phase 1, 2 and 3 Sections in Eagle Rock Resorts, North Union Township. Phase 1 consists of 73 lots within 12.5 acres; Phase 2 consists of 267 lots within 108.11 acres and Phase 3 consists of 214 lots within 39.56 acres. Phase 1 is located in North Union Township, Phase 2 is in North Union and East Union Townships and Phase 3 in East Union Township.The new subdivision will utilize the proposed Hidden Forest wastewater collection system to convey the sewage to the existing private LWWC (Little Washington Wastewater Company) wastewater treatment plant. The entire collection system will be owned and operated by LWWC. The sewage will be conveyed from each lot by individual grinder pumps. The individual on-lot grinder pumps will be owned and maintained by the property owners.Also reviewed was the application submitted by van Hoekelen Greenhouses, Inc., Mile Hill Road, Kline Township, to DEP for renewal of an air quality permit.The permit of M. C. Resource Development Company, East Brunswick Township, has applied to DRBC (Delaware River Basin Commission) for approval of groundwater withdrawal project from the Indian Run Watershed for its bottled water operation.The commission reviewed all the projects and had not comment or objections.Anthony Prudenti, a member of the commission, informed members that kits can be obtained from a state agency to test radon in homes at no cost. Radon is a gas which usually is found in basements. Those interested can call the commission office at the courthouse for further information.The board gave final approval to five subdivision plans as follows:James M. and Elaine A. Rodichok, annexation of a lot 0.20661 of an acre in Tower City Borough to Robert F. and Elizabeth J. Hoffman. The area is zoned Residential 3 (High Density Residential); Yvonne Fischer-Biondo, a tract containing 48,485 acres in Washington Township to Eric T. and Amy L. Wolfe. The area is zoned A (Agriculture); Richard A. and Ann K. Lowe, Mechanicsville, lot containing 0.276 of an acre to create separate parcel for an existing single family residence; James J. Rooney and Mary Evetushick, both of Mahanoy City, lot containing 0.1445 of an acre for consolidation and realignment of three existing lots to two lots. The area is Multi-Family Residential and Nolt Poultry Operation Expansion Company, Washington Township, final land development of 108.41 acres for poultry operations in area zoned A (Agriculture.Brommer Poultry Operations, Washington Township, received a conditional approval of its plan to develop 74.2 acres into a poultry operation and poultry barn in area zoned A (Agriculture). Final approval depends on having its erosion and sediment control plan accepted by DEP.Gas, oil explorationsA letter was received from Mahanoy Township Supervisors announcing they will conduct a hearing on May 19 at 6 p..m. and then vote at the regularly scheduled meeting on the proposed adoption of an amendment to the township's zoning ordinance to regulate Marcellus Shale and gas and oil well drilling in the township. The letter states the amendment will propose regulations providing for zoning requirements with respect to oil and gas exploration, oil and gas drilling and extraction oil and gas storage or transmission through a natural gas compressor station or a natural gas plant. The proposed amendment would permit the activities as a permitted use in the 1-Manufacturing and CM-Conservation Mining districts and as a special exception in the C-3-Highway Commercial and CR-Conservation Residential districts. Drilling in other zoning districts would be prohibited.