McCabe appointed assistant principal
Tamaqua Area High School has a new Assistant Principal with the appointment of Thomas McCabe by the school board at its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday.
The position will begin at a date agreed upon with the superintendent at a salary of $60,000.Also at the meeting, Superintendent Carol Makuta announced that there will be a budget meeting on Tuesday, April 26, at 7 p.m. in the Large Group Instruction (LGI) room to discuss next year's school budget.Makuta also revealed the upcoming spring break schedule for students. There will be an early dismissal on Thursday, April 21, and the school will be closed to students on Friday, April 22 and Monday, April 25.Following her report, Makuta allowed residents Raymond and Nadine DeWire to address a complaint filed to the board concerning the district's role in fulfilling college application transcript requests.According to Nadine DeWire, after an error occurred on their son's report card, transcripts were sent out to universities reflecting this inaccuracy. The guidance department was notified and updated transcripts were to be sent out after midterm grades were available.Mrs. DeWire claimed that some universities did not receive the information in time for the application deadline, or not at all, leaving their son ineligible for acceptance consideration."If our son did not get in on his own, by all means, that's not what he is upset about," Mrs. DeWire stressed. "We are upset about the way things were mishandled. He was never given a fair opportunity."The guidance department keeps a written log showing when transcripts are sent, but they are sent regular mail and delivery could not be confirmed in this case.Both Stephen Toth, principal of the high school, and Makuta were able to talk to officials from some of the universities in question, but nothing could be done for the student."We don't take this lightly," said Makuta. "We investigated and spoke with the staff members who would be in charge of these kinds of things because we don't want this to happen to anyone."President Larry Wittig was also in contact with the DeWires before the meeting."Mrs. DeWire is here to draw our attention to ask what happened in the process, who made the initial mistake, and how can we create an environment where that doesn't happen again," Wittig said.Board members discussed potential ways to improve the process moving forward, including getting more parents to access the MMS system and more cooperation between students, teachers, and the guidance department.Makita will follow up with the DeWires.The board followed with a closed executive session for legal and personnel matters.In other business, the board approved the following moves:Coaches and Assistant Coaches for the 2011 - 2012 school year were approved, including Barry D. Wargula, assistant boys basketball; Joseph D. Dietz, head junior varsity boys basketball; Michael Murphy, ereshman boys basketball coach.The resignation of Eric Lech as head swimming and diving coach for the 2011 - 2012 school year was accepted.Audrey Christ, Tamaqua, was appointed as the Pit Band/Accompanist for the 2010 - 2011 Drama Club at the established stipend of $657.The board approved the request of Janet P. Smolden, drama club director, to take the Drama Club to see the Addams Family play in New York City on Wednesday, April 20.Arthur Oaks, facilities manager, was approved to attend an out of state workshop in LaCrosse, Wis., on May 5 and 6, all expenses paid by Multistack Corporation.The following persons were approved as Adult Game Workers for the 2010 - 2011 school year: Michael Grabowski, HS Teacher; Tim Murphy, Elementary Teacher; Ashley Stanek, Elementary Teacher; Courtney Wehr, Andreas; Samantha McBreen, Elementary Teacher; Shane McCabe, Mahanoy City.Audrey A. Graver was given professional status as of April 20, successfully completing three years of service with satisfactory ratings given in each semester.The following persons were approved as substitute teachers for the 2010 - 2011 school year: Tori Devlon, Nesquehoning; and Erika Barron, Tamaqua.Cafeteria substitutes were approved, including Sharon Noecker, Coaldale; Ruth Santamaria, Tamaqua; and Krystal Sendatch, Mahanoy City.The resignation of Joan Wilkinson, secretary, was accepted effective March 29.Timothy Murphy was approved for an unpaid leave of absence for - day April 4.Sherri Gerber, high schoo teacher, was approved for intermittent and family medical leave May 3 to 9.The following letters of intent to retire, effective at the end of the 2010 - 2011 school year, were accepted: JoAnn Dobrosky, Vicki Feliciano, Hope A. Harakel, Barbara E. Herring, Janet Smetana, and Jean Newton, all elementary teachers; John F. Potlunas, band director; Mary Ruth Taylor, high school eacher.The board adopted Policy #204, Attendance.Two students were approved for tutorial service, one at Foundations for Behavioral Health Partial Hospitalization Program in Doylestown, and the second at KidsPeace Children's Hospital in Schnecksville. Two students were approved for homebound instruction.Sixty Thin Client devices for the K-12 computer labs were approved for purchase from CDWG using IDEA Grant Funding that will be lost if not used. Cost not to exceed $11,999.40.The following IDEA Grant Funding purchases were approved: Not to exceed $26, 296.70: 30, additional Apple iPad's, 2 iPad Carts, 4 MacBook Sync Stations, Related Accessories. Not to exceed $24,317.00: 100 LCD Monitors, USB Keyboards, 100 mice to support Thin Client devices.Approval to apply for the Highmark High Five Grant up to $10,000 for four schools, excluding Rush Elementary, was accepted.Also, $8.00 per invited student will be donated to attend the Achievement Dinner on May 16.The tax report was approved, in addition to rates for the 2011 - 2012 fiscal year.The list of properties recommended for sheriff's sale was approved and Portnoff Law Associates authorized to proceed as presented.The Information Request Authorization, Section 365 Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding, was approved for execution in order for the state Department of Revenue to release tax data for the 2009 calendar year to Berkeimer for the purpose of collecting delinquent ETI and EMS/OP taxes.