$1.3 million shortfall faces PV
Because of the proposed cuts to public education by the state, the Panther Valley School district currently faces a loss of $1.3 million in funding for next year's budget. Superintendent Rosemary Porembo provided a grim overview of what lies ahead for public education.
"The 'norm' as we knew it, will no longer be the norm in the foreseeable future," she said.Porembo said that the budget and finance committee has managed to cut approximately $470,000 from the proposed budget for next year and is continuing to review and make cuts where possible."The only avenue we have is to use our fund balance to cover expenses at this time," she said. "Although we can close the gaps with the fund balance, we as a district will constantly be changing the way we provide services. Each year, we will need to cut services and programs to reduce the expenses."Porembo said that at one budget summit she recently attended, they projected the gridlock to last from three to five years."Our discussion needs to focus on what matters most," she said, referring to a "new era" of school finance. "The reality of the economic crisis is that we need to look at how we finance salaries, health care, and provide for worker's benefits. It will include determining what kind of an education can be provided with the revenues Panther Valley will collect."The next budget and finance committee meeting will be on May 2 at 6 p.m.In other matters, the board approved the transportation contract from Kistler Transportation for the upcoming school year. The contract included a freeze in costs for one year. The board also approved a contract with the Nutrition Group for cafeteria management services. The contract is a one-year extension of the existing contract which includes a guarantee of a loss not more than $20,361. This includes a 10 cent increase in breakfast and lunch selling prices, as well as an increase in select a la carte prices. The contract includes the elimination of three aide positions and a three-hour position at the high school.One four-hour union position will be created at the elementary school and one three-hour position at the middle school. Two high school servers and two high school cashiers will be reduced by 0.25 hours per day. High school cooks will be increased by 0.25 hours per day.The board approved the purchase of a combination oven and an electric tilting kettle at a cost of $30,396.44.The district approved a five-year contract with OAA Orthopedic Specialists, at an annual cost of $32,350 for the 2011-12 school year. By 2015-16, the annual cost will rise to $35,000.The board approved exoneration requests for per capita taxes in the amount of $7,000 and occupation taxes in the amount of $75,875 for the 2010 tax year. Business manager Kenneth Marx said that the exonerations are due to taxpayers who are deceased, moved from the district, or billing duplicates. The board also raised the mileage allowance to 51 cents per mile.The board approved a local match not to exceed $6,500 for the design of the warning device at the crossing of Mermon Avenue, near the elementary school. According to director Anthony DeMarco, the district will help to pay for the design costs and the railroad will foot the bill for the installation of the warning.Director R. Mickey Angst asked why the district was considering the warning."I see absolutely no problem. There hasn't been one citizen in here complaining," he said.Later he asked how many students had been hurt at the intersection. Director Anthony Pondish, who lives near the crossing, says that he has witnessed elementary students crossing the area in front of the trains and trying to touch the trains. He said trains regularly go through the intersection at dismissal time.The board accepted the resignation of Mary Rolland, part-time custodian, effective April 1. Marie Ondrus was approved as a substitute instructional aide and substitute cafeteria worker. Christina Kiraly was added to the substitute teachers list. Courtney Wehr was approved as a short-term substitute retroactive to March 31 to continue to approximately May 1.The board approved a significant list of advisers, grade level representatives, detention monitors, department heads, mentors, extra-curricular advisers and other positions for the 2011-12 school year.