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What to do during a nuclear power plant emergency

The following are guidelines for what you should do if a nuclear power plant emergency occurs. Keep a battery-powered radio with you at all times and listen to the radio for specific instructions. Close and lock doors and windows.

If you are told to evacuate:•Keep car windows and vents closed; use recirculating air.If you are advised to remain indoors:•Turn off the air conditioner, ventilation fans, furnace, and other air intakes.•Go to a basement or other underground area, if possible.•Do not use the telephone unless absolutely necessary.If you expect you have been exposed to nuclear radiation:•Change clothes and shoes.•Put exposed clothing in a plastic bag.•Seal the bag and place it out of the way.•Take a thorough shower.•Keep food in covered containers or in the refrigerator. Food not previously covered should be washed before being put into containers.