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Results of roving DUI patrols

The North Central Pa. Regional Sobriety Checkpoint DUI Taskforce and Expanded DUI/Underage Drinking Enforcement Program has released the following statistics from a roving DUI patrol held March 12 in Schuylkill County.

A total of 15 vehicles were contacted and detained. No motorists exhibited signs of intoxication, so no one was tested for driving under the influence. Officers issued four traffic citations and 11 warnings. Officers from two county law enforcement departments participated in the patrol.Roving patrols and sobriety checkpoints will also be conducted through March 21 on state routes 61, 183, 901, 209, 309, 443, 895, 125, 25, 924 and 54.Travelers are reminded to dial 911 if they suspect a drunk driver.To report underage drinking, call 1-888-UNDER21. Informational pamphlets are available to area bars and clubs, offering tips on ways to detect fake identification cards. The pamphlets were provided by the state Liquor Control Board, Harrisburg.The sobriety checkpoints and Roving DUI patrols are funded through the state Department of Transportation and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).