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Lansford council transfers funds to pay the bills

Lansford council, working with auditors to get its money matters on an even keel, on Friday held a special meeting to transfer funds to pay bills.

As of Friday, the borough had $861,479.65 in its cash accounts and another $353,700.35 in sewer transmission fund certificates of deposit.The borough's financial auditors, Maillie, Falconiero & Company, advised council to transfer money from various accounts into the general fund to pay the bills.They included moving $1,646 from the liquid fuels account for the maintenance manager's labor costs, and $27,723.32 from the sewer transmission account for wages.In addition, the 2010 ending balance in the Local Services Tax account was $17,350.68. The money is distributed to the police department ($8,675.34); public works ($4,337.67 and the fire company ($4,337.67).Council also agreed to release the fire department's budgeted 2010 allocation of $5,500 as the funds become available.The borough, as are many others, is struggling to make ends meet. In December, council adopted a 2011 budget that anticipates $1,575,873 in revenue and $1,578,161 in expenses. The spending plan also came with a 3.06 mill tax increase that brings the property levy to 32.47 mills, up from last year's 29.41 mills. That means the owner of a property assessed at $25,000 will pay $811.75 in real estate tax this year. That's $76.50 more than last year.