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Snow rules effected

Lansford council on Friday evening reminded residents that their sidewalks must be cleared within 24 hours after a snowfall. And, Councilman Andrew Snyder warned, do not throw the snow onto cleared streets or your neighbor's property.

A path at least 36 inches wide must be cleared. Failing to follow the rules could cost you a $50 fine or 10 days in jail if that fine isn't paid.The area has been hit with snowfall after snowfall, with more forecast for the middle of next week. Borough crews are keeping streets clear, but residents must also do their part.Councilman Tommy Vadyak said he fell twice on Ridge Street while trying to traverse slippery sidewalks.In addition to the rules against throwing snow into the street, it is also illegal to place piles of snow within 20 feet of an intersection or in excess of 5 feet high.In addition, after a snowfall of four inches or more, parking is barred on streets until they are plowed curb-to-curb or except as follows: On even-numbered days, the south or west side of any street (even-numbered house side); on odd-numbered days, the north or east side of any street (odd-numbered house side).The borough and police department are asking residents for their cooperation during the snow season. Any questions regarding any of the ordinances can be directed to the police department at (570) 645-5844.