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Franklin Township supervisors plan to open fuel bids Feb. 15

Franklin Township supervisors on Tuesday night adopted a resolution that will allow them to purchase contracts for 2011 for heating township buildings and fueling township vehicles.

The January monthly meeting was a week earlier than usual.The board then went on to pass a motion to advertise for bids for 10,000 gallons of low sulfur diesel fuel and 6,000 gallons of heating oil. Bids will be opened at the Feb. 15 meeting.The board also voted to hire Optimal Employer Solutions to compute the township's 2011 tax duplicates.The board authorized the entire board of supervisors, Rod Green, chairman; Paul Kocher, vice chairman; and Larry Smith, along with roadmaster Robin Cressley to make purchases of General Services Federal Surplus Property. The township attends surplus sales to purchase used equipment which saves the township from having to purchase new items at a higher cost.The board also voted to authorize Carl Dicker of Spotts, Stevens and McCoy to prepare Franklin Township's municipal waste load management annual report.The board also approved Franklin Township's Volunteer Fire Company's 2011 planned activity list for workers' compensation insurance coverage.