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Polk approves budget with no tax increase

Polk Township Supervisors approved the proposed budget for 2011 unanimously on Friday. The $1,245,440 budget includes no tax increase. Millage will stay at 3.3 mils for the real estate taxes for general purposes.

With finances being what they are, including medical insurance going up, fewer permits being issued, and other costs also going up, the board does not promise no increase in taxes for 2012 tax although they are considering various belt-tightening measures.One that will have been decided at the reorganizational meeting, which was slated to be held this morning, was eliminating one of the township's Board of Supervisors meetings. That could save upwards of $400 per meeting in light of all who must attend, including the township solicitor, the township engineer, the zoning/codes officer, as well as the supervisors themselves and the recording secretary.One way township residents can help the township is by recycling more. More recycling means less land-fill costs and more income from the sale of recyclables. Recycling cardboard is but one of the keys to lowering solid waste costs and increasing township income from the recyclables.In considering possibly raising the township transfer station fees next year, Chairman Brian K. Ahner said, "You don't want to raise anything," but neither can the township afford to lose "a thousand dollars here or there" as the cost of getting rid of the non-recyclables has become considerably expensive.The total approved budget is comprised of general expenses of $803,500 and the Highway Aid portion of $441,940. To keep the no-tax increase budget possible, the supervisors have had to trim some of the donations and will continue to do much of the work themselves, whether road work or repairing township vehicles.The board is also looking at other ways and means to keep expenses in check and to make the township income stretch as far as possible.