Tamaqua Area seeks bids for locker room renovations
The Tamaqua Area School District is seeking bids for the renovations of its high school locker rooms.
At Tuesday evening's monthly meeting the district's board of education authorized business manager Connie Ligenza to advertise for the bids for the locker room project.The board had considered refurbishing the Tamaqua High locker rooms as part of phase two of its guaranteed energy savings project, which includes working with McClure Inc., Harrisburg, for the installation of geothermal heating systems at Tamaqua and West Penn Elementary schools.Last week, on the recommendation of Superintendent Carol Makuta, the board's finance committee decided to pursue the locker room renovations separately from the geothermal project, although McClure would still be responsible for about $150,000 of the mechanical work.The board also approved the transfer of $530,000 from the district's general fund to its capital reserve fund as a budget appropriation for the locker room project.Two other fund transfers were also approved. One was from the capital reserve account to the general fund for $635,553 to reimburse the general fund for expenses related to the track project. The other was the transfer of $149,354 from the general fund to the capital reserve fund to reserve revenue received from the Act 129 rebates for future capital needs.In other business, the board accepted the lowest bid for boiler repairs for Tamaqua Area Middle School from Yoder's Heating Service Inc., Harrisburg, at a cost not to exceed $9,000.Professional School Photography, Tuscarora, was hired as school photographer for the 2011-2012 school year.The Schuylkill Intermediate Unit 29's Technology Center Budget for the 2011-12 school year, which includes special education costs, was approved.Three students were approved for KidsPeace Children's Hospital Tutorial Program at the rate of $27.82 per hour for five hours per week. One student was approved for Philhaven's Adolescent Inpatient Program, at the district's tutoring rate. Two students were approved for homebound instruction.Personnel movesIn personnel action, Courtney McCarroll, Tamaqua, was hired as junior varsity girls soccer coach, while Ken Mateyak, Andreas, and Amanda Peters, Tamaqua, were approved as volunteer coaches with the girls program.Also approved as volunteer coaches were the following: Brian Faust, Tamaqua, and Courtney Wehr, Andreas, track and field; and Stacei Faust and Tony Zancofsky, both of Tamaqua, softball.The following were approved as substitute teachers: Amanda Derby and Vicky Unitis, both of Coaldale; and Jodi Kamant and Casey Stephens, both of Tamaqua.Approved as guest substitute teachers were Bridget Gaughan and Kelly Getz, both of Shenandoah; Joseph Badamo, Hazleton; Cathy Crawford, Frackville; and Adrienne Wrona, Minersville.Koreen Nalesnik was approved as a teacher for the middle school
M.A.G.I.C. afterschool program for this year at a rate of $22 per hour.The following elementary teachers were granted leaves of absence: Timothy Murphy, for a one-half day unpaid leave for March 2; Vanessa Boyle, for a family and medical leave to begin on or about May 12, after using all sick days, and returning on Aug. 24; and Kristen Tubbs, for a family and medical leave to begin on or abour April 28, using sick and personal days, with the intention of returning at the end of the current school year.The resignation of Stephanie Balliet as a part-time paraprofessional was approved, retroactive to March 7.The board also approved the request of Roseann Weinrich to take her Honors Biology classes to the Bronx Zoo in New York City on April 6, and for Stephen Behr, elementary principal, to attend EDUCOMM 2011 for an Education Technology Conference in Orlando, Florida from June 13-15.On the recommendation of the hearing committee, the board expelled a student from the district for an undisclosed violation of its discipline policy. As per district policy, the name of the student was not released.