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Officers praised for role in solving burglary ring

Two Lansford police officers received kudos from the McAdoo Police Department for their efforts in helping to solve a burglary and firearm ring, Lansford borough council learned at a public meeting Wednesday.

McAdoo Police Chief Jeffrey Wainwright wrote to thank the Lansford Police Department and officers Robert Shubeck and Joshua Tom in particular."I would like to carry this thanks to the extremely helpful officers that assisted with a search warrant on (Nov. 16). These two officers were Bob Shubeck and Josh Tom. without the help and professionalism of your police department and these two officers, we would not have received some of the key components of this large investigation," Wainwright wrote in a Dec. 2 letter to Lansford Police Chief John Turcmanovich, Mayor Ron Hood and council."This is the type of cooperation and willingness that make successful resolutions of complex investigations possible," he wrote. "I extend the same level of cooperation to the Lansford Police department if the need should ever arise."In other matters Wednesday, council:*Agreed to hold installation of a new furnace for the borough office until it sorts out a recommendation from Bognet Inc. on additional work that needs to be done before the installation. council discussed the possible impact on the equipment's warranty should the work not be done, or be done by a company other than Bognet.*Agreed to wait until it meets on Jan. 12 to appoint a new member to a 5-year term on the Lansford-Coaldale Joint Water Authority. council had expected to vote on the seat, but Councilman Tommy Vadyak, a longtime opponent of Water Authority salaries and benefits, vowed to challenge the action. He said that the term won't be up until Dec. 31, and that council must wait until then to name the appointment.Councilwoman Danielle Smith had nominated the authority's current treasurer, Richard Pogwist, to be reappointed to the office, but rescinded her motion after the lengthy debate over whether council should appoint a new member before the seat is vacated;*Reappointed David C. Burrell to the Parks and recreation commission;*Renewed a cable franchise agreement with Blue Ridge Communications for an additional 10 years.