Published March 04. 2013 05:04PM
The Hazleton Fibromyalgia Support Group will meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday at Faith United Church of Christ, Hazle Township. Local chiropractor Dr. Daniel Gavio returns as guest speaker to discuss his latest seminar on
A.R.T. (Active Release Techniques). More information about this is available at are encouraged to take advantage of the group's lending library, where a large variety of books about fibromyalgia and related subjects are available to borrow.Meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. (except for January and February) and are open to patients with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. Friends, relatives and drivers are also welcome.The church is located at 21 Faith Drive, Hazle Township, off the Airport Beltway behind the Toyota dealership.For information or directions, call Carol Vilcko at (570) 788-7363; Alice Powell at 788-3847; or Debbie Mainiero at (570) 956-1862.The group's website is: