Published November 22. 2013 05:00PM
A daughter, Avonelle Faith Smithmyer, was born Aug. 30, 2013 at UPMC Altoona in Altoona, to Jason and Andrea (Arner) Smithmyer of Coalport, Pa.
She weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces and measured 20 inches long.Maternal grandparents are Rick and Debbie Arner of New Ringgold.Paternal grandparents are Bill and Cathy Smithmyer of Dysart, Pa.Maternal great-grandparents are Roger and Hazle Arner, Tamaqua, and the late Ed and Sandy Solt of Davenport, Fla.Paternal great-grandparents are Wilburt and Mary Jane Adams of Dysart, and the late Mary Adams, and Earl and Alene Smithmyer of Ashville, Pa.
Avonelle Faith Smithmyer