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Signs of the times

Dear Editor

More than ever we have signs. I have seen plenty of political signs when driving. Large ones and small ones.I often wonder if a larger political sign can influence the vote. Traffic signs, one way, no parking, stop signs, destination, street, distance, deer crossing signs and construction signs, reduce speed and merge into a single lane and the list goes on.We have signs in our vehicles to indicate low tire pressure, low oil and check engine light. Also, our companions or spouses can give us a sign if they are being ga-ga-ish. If one has a runny nose or watery eyes, it could be sign of an allergy or a cold.Our body gives us signs so that we could seek medical attention, which could be life saving. We have signs of our weather changing regarding temperature and weather climate changes. PERHAPS SOME OF THE POLITICIANS WHO VOTED THEMSELVES A 50 PERCENT PAY RAISE COULD HAVE SEEN A SIGN OF THE UNSTABLENESS OF THE ECONOMY. Last, but not least, the sun's eruption of larger solar flares. Can this be a sign too? Time will tell.Sincerely,Larry ConsoliSummit Hill