Published May 19. 2017 02:47PM
Palmerton Area School District's board of directors approved a bevy of personnel moves during Tuesday's meeting.
The board approved:• The resignation of Daniele Bowman as junior high learning support teacher effective June 30.• Vanessa Calabro and Brianna Bush as substitute teachers.• The transfer of Diane Benner to Parkside/Palmer custodian, Nicole Swartz to Palmer custodian at $40,920, and Troy Rocco to junior high custodian at $38,972.• Christine DeLong, Ashley Hummer, Tina Rothenberger, Tammy Hoffman, Megan Zurn, Marcia Heinick, Eileen Long and Ann Marie Ross to positions within the summer ESY program.• Jonathan Blichar, Kyle Kralik, Hailey Muniz, Jacob Taylor, Jacob Green and Sydney Geist as summer employees at $7.25 per hour.• A settlement agreement with student #19190.• The student driver education program agreement with CLIU 21, effective July 1 through June 30, 2018.• A contract with Woodstone Country Club for the Class of 2018 prom on May 4, 2018.• An agreement with Solution Action Sports, LLC for a BMX assembly for the junior high school on June 13.• An agreement with CMS Medical Care Corporation for generator costs for the 2017-18 school year.• A change to the existing Harley V. Shupp IV Memorial Scholarship to add a third recipient and awarding $500, $300 and $100.• A therapy services contract with pediatric therapeutic services for the 2017-18 school year.• The establishment of the Palmerton Area High School Class of 1966 Kindness Award scholarship fund.• The agreement with Around the Clock Nursing Inc. for nursing services as needed by the district.