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Chestnuthill approves 2.25-mill tax increase

Chestnuthill Township residents will see an increase in their township taxes next year.

The Chestnuthill supervisors approved a 2018 general fund budget of 4.98 mills, a dedicated infrastructure account of 2.25 mills and a dedicated fire tax of 1.47 mills for a total of 8.7 mills.

The supervisors also approved a resolution establishing the Fire Service Appropriations Tax for 2018, which establishes protocol for spending of the dedicated fire tax.

“Anytime we increase taxes we don’t do it lightly,” said vice chairman Chris Eckert. “We put a lot of thought into it.”

“I applaud the staff and the work that they put into putting this plan together,” said supervisor Harry Miller. “I especially appreciate the dedicated line-items, it shows the hard work and thought that went into the creation of the budget.”

The 2.25-mill increase is going to be used to fund vital infrastructure projects, township manager Dave Albright said.

Albright created a presentation, which details every line item and proposed expenditure for the upcoming year and where funds are being accumulated for future infrastructure projects as well. The presentation is available on the township’s website.

Included in the plan are five major bridge/culvert projects that are being considered, including: Silver Valley Bridge, Lake Mineola Phase IV realignment, Pheasant Run Culvert, County Park Culvert and Camp Alice Culvert.

The closure of Toll Road is also expected to be paid for out of this fund, although the township has not yet decided on a final plan for the road.

The projects listed are expected to cost nearly $6 million in construction costs alone Albright said.

The 2.25 mills equates to approximately a $50 increase for every $100,000 of assessed property value.