Published January 29. 2016 02:19PM
A Coaldale man is facing charges after an incident in Tamaqua on Wednesday.
Police officers were monitoring traffic in the area of Broad and Pine streets shortly after midnight when they saw a maroon 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee with an unlit driver's side headlight fail to stop for a steady red light. They followed the Jeep, attempting to make a traffic stop.The vehicle continued heading east toward Coaldale despite the officer's use of lights and siren.Coaldale police were notified and positioned a cruiser across the roadway in the area of Water and Greenwood streets. This brought the Jeep to a halt.The driver was identified as Robert Arthur Bachert, 66, of 113 Bull Run St. Bachert exhibited several possible signs of intoxication, including the inability to remain upright without leaning on the Jeep once he got out of it. He admitted drinking two beers and said he didn't stop when he saw the police cruiser's flashing lights as he was waiting to find a safe area.Due to his inability to stand, officers decided it was unsafe to conduct field sobriety tests, giving Bachert a preliminary breath test, which registered 0.142 percent blood alcohol.He was taken to Schuylkill Medical Center-South Jackson Street in Pottsville for blood tests. Charges are pending the results of those tests and could include driving under the influence of alcohol and several traffic offenses.