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Drug charges pending in Tamaqua

Three people, two adults and one juvenile, were cited following an incident in Tamaqua on March 9.

Police received a report about a suspicious vehicle parked in the 500 block of East Elm Street at 4:48 a.m. The caller said it was a dark, older model Jeep with the interior lights on and people sitting in the back seat.As the officer approached the Jeep a man got out the driver's side and was told to go back to the vehicle. That person was identified as Daniel Schwertfeger, 24, of 114 W. Phillips St., Coaldale. The two people in the back seat identified themselves as Christopher Whinn, 18, of 435 E. Elm St., and Brittany Miller, 19, of Tamaqua.The trio were waiting for Whinn's grandmother to wake up as they were locked out of the house.A records check discovered an outstanding warrant for Schwertfeger issued by authorities in New Jersey. He was arrested.Another officer noticed a clean cigarette pack on the ground near the back door of the Jeep. It looked a bit out of place among the wet, dirty litter on the ground. When opened the officer found a white plastic tube, a cut straw and an empty baggie with a white powdery residue. All of the vehicle's occupants denied knowing anything about the pack.Officers searched the Jeep and found two glass pipes with white residue, a small compact case with two cut straws and a razor blade, and Miller's book bag. Inside the book bag was a small first-aid bag containing a glass pipe with burned residue.After receiving Whinn's consent for a pat down search, officers found a small, clear bag with a white powdery residue in his pocket. Miller then admitted she provided a false name and date of birth and was actually only 16 years old.All three were transported to the police station.The juvenile was released into the custody of her grandparents.Schwertfeger was transported to the Schuylkill County prison to await extradition to New Jersey.Drug related charges are pending and will be filed against Whinn and the juvenile.