Published January 02. 2017 02:45PM
No one was injured in a one-car crash at 9:15
a.m.Thursday on Summer Mountain Road in East Penn Township.State police at the Lehighton barracks said a car driven by Colton M. Ryan, 22, of Fredericksburg, was traveling southbound about a half mile north of Route 895 and was descending a hill when it veered off the right side of the snow-covered road and went out of control. Police said the 2004 Volkswagen Jetta struck a utility pole on the right side of the road, spun counterclockwise and came to rest about 5 feet from the initial impact. Ryan and a passenger, Amanda Elliott, 22, of Smyrna, Delaware, were uninjured.Police said the vehicle sustained disabling damages and needed to be towed.Ryan was cited.