Published November 30. 2012 05:02PM
Advent at St. Matthew's
St. Matthew's UCC will observe the beginning of the Advent season this Sunday, Dec. 2 at its 9 a.m. worship service. The Journey to Bethlehem will be the theme. The Christmas tree will be decorated at this time and those who wish to place an ornament on the tree are asked to bring one that is related to the Nativity or the journey to Bethlehem, which will be returned to you if you put your name or initials on the back.On Monday, Dec. 3, at 7 p.m. Pastor Suzanne Brooks-Cope will lead an Advent Healing Service and you may be anointed with oil with a prayer for physical, emotional or spiritual healing. You may come asking for yourself or for someone you love. Communion will also be served.Youth GroupThe next St. Matthew's UCC Youth Group meeting will be on Friday, Nov. 30 at 5 p.m. in the church social hall. They will meet again Dec. 7, 14, 15. If you are or have children ages 10 through high school, consider joining Norman and Amy Burger for a fun-filled, Bible-based youth group.Toys For TotsEldred Township is helping the United States Marine Corps Reserves' Toys For Tots by collecting toys for children in the area. If you would like to make a donation of a toy, please bring the unwrapped item to the township office during regular hours.Angel TreePleasant Valley Ecumenical Network's Angel Trees are now out in the community. One is in St. Matthew's. If you would like to help a child or children in need from the community have Christmas gifts this year, you are invited to choose a tag with a specific age and gender. You are asked to bring an unwrapped gift for that child and bring it to the church before Dec. 16. Any questions, please call (610) 381-2442.