Penn Forest Township Supervisors seeks to limit public comment
During Monday evening's board of supervisors meeting, supervisor Phil Shedaker, who attended the meeting by telephone, reminded the public of a resolution from 2013 which limited public comment to a total of 30 minutes at the beginning of each meeting. Each resident is permitted at total of 3 minutes to address the supervisors.
"We are not taking any more comments about $1.6 million or anything that happened 10 years ago," Shedaker said. "If you have something to say on the matter, put it in writing, and the board of supervisors will absolutely review it."Resident William Miller attempted to address several questions to the board and particularly to Chairman Warren Reiner."I want to know who is representing Reiner and if the township residents are paying for it, but all I get is 'No comment,'" Miller said.Miller also raised a question as to the legality of the June vote, which resulted in the dismissal for employees Cindy Henning and Carol Matthews.In June, Henning pressed charges against Reiner for "harassment." According to Henning, Reiner pushed her during an altercation that took place at the township building. Shortly afterward, Henning was removed from her position as a township secretary and placed on leave without pay and subsequently terminated."How could that vote be legal?" Miller asked. "Both Scott Lignore and Butch Reiner were involved in the altercation and they took part in the vote. They should have abstained. I think that the outcome might have been different if they had."One of the items that has received a lot of attention lately is the new park that is under construction on Route 903. According to a field report provided by Barry Isett & Associates, the first phase of the park is nearing completion.The report, dated July 7, confirms that most of the site work is done. The parking lot is prepped for final clean stone detail; the front of the site has been graded, seeded and is reaching stabilization; and the playground area is ready for installation as well.The contractor, Papillon & Moyer, has increased the number of employees to meet the deadline on completing phase one. Yet to be done is the tar and chipping of the walking trail, grading and installation of the sports fields, and installation of the playground equipment. The work is scheduled to be complete by July 11, however the recent stormy weather has pushed the schedule out at least 3 to 4 days.The members of the newly created recreation board were announced during the meeting. The new board members are: Daniel Chiminti for a 5-year term, Sherry Meckes for a 4-year term, Robin McGeehan for a 3-year term, Richard Strack for a 2-year term, and Walter Schultz will represent the Jim Thorpe Area School District for a 1-year term.Jennifer Bevilacqua was appointed as an alternate to the recreation board.The board also adopted a resolution approving Barry Isett & Associates application, on behalf of the township, for a "Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program" grant for $ 212,500 for use on the park.Bids were opened for a new heating and air conditioning system for the township building. There were three bids received. L&S Electric of Summit Hill bid $23,850, Shawn Kresge bid $14,932 and Peter Radocha of Coaldale bid $17,948. The contract was awarded to Kresge.There were also two contractors bidding to pave Smith Road and Danner Road."A number of contractors declined to bid because they are very busy with road work already this summer. That is why we only received two bids," Reiner said.A bid of $314,215 was received from Papillon & Moyer, and a bid of $253,713 was received from Barletta Construction. The contract was awarded to Barletta.Other business conducted included appointing Shawn Kresge as an alternate member of the Zoning Hearing Board and Supervisor Reiner as the assistant emergency management coordinator for the township.The township also adopted a new fee schedule for building permits. The fee, which was $990, has been decreased to $890.Shedaker also took time to thank all of the staff and especially supervisor Christine Fazio and employee Sherry Knappenberger for all of their hard work during the recent changes in personnel.