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Blessing of the animals

"Echo", a yellow lab owned by Ginny and Pastor Mike Frost, and "Lysander", a tomcat owned by Dorothy Knowlan, tolerate each other during the Zion's Stone Church of West Penn's 4th annual Blessing of the Animals Service held recently.

ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Pastor Michael Frost of the Zion's Stone Church of West Penn Township in New Ringgold held the 4th annual Blessing of the Animals Service recently to celebrate the relationship between humans and their pets. Some of the owners and blessed pets that attended service were, pictured standing from back left, Barbara Lushia with cat "Lillie", Pete Uhlig with mini pin dog "Lucky", Peggy Frace with Doberman "Ada", Janet Faix with Jack Russell "Holly", and Linda Logston with Doberman "Loui." Pictured sitting from front left are Dorothy Knowlan, 10, with cat "Lysander", and Ginny Frost with yellow lab "Echo".