Published September 21. 2010 05:00PM
Guests and members of the Ryan Township Emergency & Rescue Squad (ERS) held a banquet recently at the Lakeside Ballroom to celebrate 30 years of service to the community.
Incorporated in September 1980, the all-volunteer nonprofit organization composed of men and women from surrounding areas, currently provides ambulance and EMS services to Delano, West Ryan, west Rush Townships, and surrounding communities.In addition to their EMS activity, they also provide land 'search and rescue' services, water (scuba) 'search and rescue/recovery services, a 'high angle rope rescue team'.Personnel are Life Lion trained for helicopter landing zone procedures, instructors for American Red Cross CPR and Emergency Responder, PSARC/DCNR Grid Search and Wilderness Search instructors, and instructors of VFIS Emergency Vehicle Driver Training."Guest speakers during the banquet included Dan Rymond, flight paramedic for the Lehigh Valley MedEvac helicopter and Senator Dave Argall (R-29).ERS Chief Darrell Harris explained how the limited number of hardworking squad members succeed as a team, pointing out that "quantity isn't always quality when providing the best care we can."
Andrew Leibenguth/Times News Some members and guests attending the Ryan Township Emergency and Rescue Squad 30th Anniversary Celebration are, from left, secretary Christine Haldeman, assistant training officer William Wirtz Jr, training officer Edward Bowles, Chief Darrel Harris, 1st assistant chief Michael Mistishen, 2nd assistant chief John Grazel Jr, and driver training officer Terry Schock.