Published June 18. 2018 02:45PM
Mahoning Township Supervisors took the following action last week:
• The board voted to release the remaining securities for Lehighton Kia in light of the receipt of a notice of termination.
• A motion to advertise road projects for bid was approved, with a list including Ashtown Drive, Troxells Road and Beisels Road.
Additional projects may include upper Nis Hollow Drive, Gilberts Hill Road, Fritz Drive and Orioles Drive.
• Fuel bids for 5,500 gallons of low sulfur diesel, 3,000 gallons of heating oil, 8,500 gallons of 87 octane and 2,000 gallons of propane were awarded to Superior Plus.
The rates are $2.45 per gallon for diesel, $2.36 per gallon for heating oil, $2.31 per gallon of 87 octane and $1.45 per gallon of propane.
Brian Myszkowski