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Kidder committee receives grant for stream watch

Kidder Township Environmental Advisory Committee secretary Cathy Weber announced Thursday evening that the EAC has been awarded a grant of $4,300 to purchase additional equipment for its stream watch program. The program went into effect last year in conjunction with Trout Unlimited. The team members are trained to periodically test stream and creek beds throughout the township checking for anomalies.

One of the purposes for the program is to verify that should the PennEast pipeline come through the area, the construction will not upset or cause damage to the local waterways.Also related to the EAC, longtime member, Larry Gould has tendered his resignation from the committee. The committee has someone in mind to replace Gould, but anyone interested in joining or working with the committee should attend its meetings on the second Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the township building.In other township business, Supervisor Thomas LaFond has been researching the possibility of obtaining a grant to add video cameras to police vehicles and to add body cameras to township officers."I am thinking not only about the safety of our officers, but of the township as well," LaFond said.Supervisor Bruce Berger is looking into scheduling leaf pickup for township residents sometime in April. Berger wants to wait until the winter weather has passed so that the plow will be removed from the truck before moving ahead with the leaf pickup. Berger also made a motion to hire the Tobyhanna Township brush cutter to cut back along township roads. The motion passed and Berger will try to schedule cutting in May.Township manager Lisa Klem informed residents that beginning in April the township will start enforcing the 911 addressing. Anyone who has not complied with the proper house numbering has until then to post the new numbers.The township is also looking to hire part-time help for both the office and a laborer.Raelene Eckley of the Carbon Animal Response Teamwas present and told the board that CART is trying to assist all of the fire and ambulance companies in Carbon County with acquiring oxygen mask kits for animals. Both Kidder Township fire companies have the kits and CART has assisted with demonstrations on the proper use of the kits.Eckley says that CART does not have the money to provide the kits, but that they will assist fire companies with fundraising to help them acquire the kits. Any company with the kits can contact CART to get demonstrations on the proper use.A flower sale to benefit the Albrightsville Volunteer Fire Company will be heldfrom 9 a.m. to noon March 26. There will be tulips, mums, lilies and daffodils.A workshop has been scheduled for business owners in the township who are interested in obtaining information on the sign requirements under the new SALDO. The workshop is scheduled for 10 a.m. March 30.