Gould to lead Pleasant Valley School board
Russ Gould was elected president of the Pleasant Valley School board at the reorganization meeting that night.
Steve Borger elected as vice president. H. Charles Hoffman was elected treasurer.All terms will be in effect until next December.The four newly-elected board members, Dan Wunder, Linda Micklos, Len Peeters and Robert Serfass, took their seats at the board table for the first time.Appointed positions for 2014 are:• Susan Kresge, Monroe County Career and Technical Institute representative (three-year term)• Russ Gould and Linda Micklos as MCTI alternatives (expires in December 2014)• Susan Kresge, legislative chairperson, term expires December 2014• Len Peeter and Susan Kresge as PSBA voting delegates, term expires December 2014• Dan Wunder, as representative to Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, term expires June 30, 2016• Susan Famularo, as representative on the West End Park and Open Space Commission, term expires Dec. 31, 2016• Monica Kotzmann, district's alternate WEPOSC representative, expires Dec. 31, 2014, and delegate to Monroe County Tax Collection Committee from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2014PVSD superintendent Carole Geary said that thanks to the generosity of the staff and students and their families, the district collected enough food to distribute to over 200 district families in need for the Thanksgiving holiday. Currently the district is collecting toys for Toys for Tots.The board approved, 9-0, the following hirings:• Ismael Aponte, substitute teacher, Spanish/paraprofessional associate• Laura DePompo, substitute secretary/food service employee/monitor/custodian• Jean Grammes, substitute monitor/secretary• Stephen Grundmann, casual security officer, date of hire amended to Nov. 25, 2013• Michelle Korcienski, substitute health room technician• Kristen McCree, substitute paraprofessional associate/monitor/secretary• John McCutchan, courier, part-time, effective Jan. 6, 2014, at $8.92 an hour, a replacement position for Frank Krogstad• Thomas Morgan, substitute teacher, English/paraprofessional associate• Camille Timpone, substitute secretary• Angelica Vargas, substitute teacher, social studies 7-12/paraprofessional associate• Deena Boyne, substitute monitor/secretary/ food service employee• Patrick Jones, substitute teacher, business education/paraprofessional associateThe board approved the retirement of Richard Krock as PVMS head custodian, effective Jan. 10, 2014