Jan. 15, 2014
Cubs race
Cub Scout Pack 98 of Brodheadsville, chartered by Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, raced Pinewood Derby cars last Saturday. The Rev. Michael Quinnan visited the pack at Pleasant Valley Elementary School and offered prayer and words of encouragement.Scouts voted for favorite cars in categories of Cub Spirit, Most Original, Most Awesome and Most Special.Derby cars were made reflecting unique styles. All entries were recognized with a participation certificate and patch. Trophies were awarded to those who placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd, within each rank.The race results included Tiger Cubs: Jacob Chechel, 1st; Alex Gately, 2nd; and Luke O'Reilly, 3rd.Wolf Cubs: Nathan Costa, 1st; Carter Salzman, 2nd; and Jacob Kresge, 3rd.Bear Cubs: William Stephani, 1st; Robert Dutt, 2nd; and Mario Mondillo, 3rd.Webelos I: Elijah Heckman, 1st; Ryan Bonser, 2nd; and Connor Hample, 3rd.Webelos II: Ryan Anderson, 1st; Michael Marinelli, 2nd; and Justin Shonk, 3rd.For more information about Pack 98, contact Committee Chairman Brian Shonk at
b_shonk@verizon.net.Local leaderBrodheadsville's Rick Hackett, an adjunct ESU professor supervising student teachers in the schools, is also serving as director for the Northeastern Region 3 of PSAR, which works with all retired school employees, not just teachers. He previously served as the Monroe Unit president.Help neededWaggin' Tails Pet Rescue, which is based in the West End, needs volunteers to help with adoption days, animal transport, fundraisers, and more. Foster homes are also urgently needed in order to save even more dogs and cats.Visit
www.waggintailsrescue.com for adoption, volunteer and foster applications. For more information, email information@waggintailsrescue.Zion SeniorsThe next meeting of Zion Seniors will be 11 a.m., Thursday at Zion Lutheran Church in Brodheadsville. Attendees should bring their own lunch. Beverages are provided.McMichaels UMCThe church's next Administrative Board meeting will be 7 p.m., Thursday. All members are welcome.Monroe SeniorsMonroe Seniors meeting at Zion Lutheran Church in Brodheadsville will meet at 9 a.m. Friday, Jan. 17 and Wednesday, Jan. 22.MovietimeThe Western Pocono Community Library holds movie time at 1 p.m., in the Community Room on Saturdays. Call the library at 570-992-7934 for more information and about other library programs.Chestnuthill supervisorsThe Chestnuthill Township Supervisors will meet at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 21, in the township municipal building.Understanding MedicareThe Western Pocono Community Library, Brodheadsville, will be a site for a program on Understanding Medicare on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2014, beginning at 10 a.m. Information will be presented on basic Medicare coverage, as well as supplement insurance, Medicare managed care plans and prescription drug coverage.It will be presented by APPRISE of Monroe County Area Agency on Aging. APPRISE is the State Health Insurance program free counseling service for Medicare participants. APPRISE volunteers and staff will be available to answer questions after the presentation. For further information one can call 570-420-3746.