Scout Robert Facella does church landscaping for Eagle project
The presentation of colors began the court of honor that ended with Robert Facella of Troop 109 Saylorsburg joining the ranks of Eagle Scouts.
Committee chair Jim Belanger welcomed Scouts, friends and relatives to the court of honor.Dave Gower, Pocono District Chaplain gave the invocation asking God's blessing "on this young man."He was escorted to the front of St. Peter's United Methodist Church, Saylorsburg, by Adam Foley.Twelve candles were lit for the 12 points of the Scout law. Scouts are to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.Proclamations were presented by Virginia Doll representing East Stroudsburg Lodge 319 Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks. She presented a flag and said he had many times pledged to the flag and a certificate, saying "We are proud to call you a fellow citizen."Theresa Merli, vice chair of the Monroe County commissioners, thanked Robert's mother and father for encouraging and inspiring him on the Eagle trail, which is something she said all the commissioners hold in high esteem. He learned respect for the environment and service to the community through the Boy Scout program.A second certificate she presented was by county Treasurer Claudette Seeger from the Kiwanis Club. It provided him with membership in the Eagle Scout Association."Congratulations on your accomplishment. Once an Eagle, always an Eagle. There is no end to the Eagle Trail. We wish you Godspeed," said Merli.Rosemary Brown, representing the House of Representatives, said, "I always like to say to an Eagle, smile because it is a really great day."She noted the newly landscaped grounds of St. Peters and said he is truly the essence of Boy Scouts of America.Grace Marks, representing Sen. Patrick Brown congratulated Facella, saying he did it with his mom and dad behind him all the way. "You are a role model."Wearing her second hat, as a member of the state Constables, she said, "You all heard 'the sky's the limit.' For an Eagle there is no limit."Tom Bartholomew, for himself as unit commissioner and for the district unit commissioner, said the statuette of an eagle usually presented will be late due to it not being received from the company.He said Scouter Clair Wallingford had presented statuettes to the Eagles and the district builds on his legacy. Wallingford used to read a poem that said in part, "It's only a pin, just an Eagle pin. … It will lift him up and lead him on the path."Belanger said he has seen Facella bloom in the past year. He was always a quiet boy but learned to display leadership. It takes initiative. "Eagle is one small step in life but a big step at your age. No one could do the work for you. Take responsibility for others as well as yourself."William Oxforth, charter representative, said he has known Robert since 2000 and at one time he didn't think he'd make it - but he did. He read letters and citations from the Valley Forge Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution; Order of the Arrow from Minsi Trail Council; White House cosigned by Barack and Michelle Obama; Joseph Biden who said he had been an Eagle; Lou Barletta, member of Congress; Suzanne McCool, county commissioner; Pat Toomey, U.S. Senator and Tom Corbett, governor.From the executive board of the Minsi Trails Council he was told the Eagle badge can be worn with dignity throughout life. Only 5 percent of Scouts earn Eagle rank. "Be true to yourself and the principles of scouting. The Scout promise and law are guideposts in life."Commissioner Janet Weidensaul's letter said she lives in Saylorsburg and that the landscaping and fence look wonderful. "Your achievement is part of the permanent record of Monroe County.""You have mastered many skills. The Eagle rank is just the beginning. Much is expected of you," said a letter from Rex Tillerson, president and Robert Mazzuca, chief Scout executive on the national level.The Voice of the Eagle was done by Kipp Wolff. Facella was told to live with honor, show loyalty to Scouts, family, friends and nation; always be cheerful and wear a smile; provide service and just as others helped him to Eagle, he should help others.The court of honor reached the point where he was declared an Eagle Scout.His mother, Sylvia, pinned the Eagle Award on his shirt and his father, Robert, (and Scoutmaster) gave him a certificate. He pinned an Eagle pin on his mother's blouse and a tie tack on his father's shirt. His brother, Michael placed the Eagle bolo tie around his neck.Matthew Holm gave the Eagle charge: This is one of the most significant organizations in the world. You are a marked man. You have assumed obligations to do duty to God and fellow man.Facella thanked his mom and dad and fellow Scouts for helping him. He said he especially liked camping and always had a lot of fun. Scouting is a great organization.