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PFBC expects turnout for 1st statewide MYFD

HARRISBURG - This time, there is no need to even consider the need for ice augers, tip-ups, portable heaters and pop-up shelters for the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission's first statewide Mentored Youth Fishing Day.

For the second straight year a MYFD was schedule in the Southeast Region for Saturday, March 22, the week before the regional trout opening day. Because of the success of last year's regional MYFD, a statewide day was scheduled for Saturday, April 5, a week before the statewide trout opening day.As the regional MYFD approached, however, ice cover and shoreline slush ice forced cancellation of the event that week. Also cancelled was the statewide MYFD as many locations to be used still had safe ice thick enough for ice fishing.Now, finally, the ice is gone for Pennsylvania's lakes, and the first-ever statewide MYFD will be held Saturday, May 10, on 41 waters across the state - including Locust Lake, Barnesville. As of midweek, nearly 1,800 youth younger than 16 years of age have obtained a free permit to fish on the day and another 1,300 have purchased a voluntary youth fishing license."We're excited that so many mentors and kids are making plans to participate in the program," PFBC executive director John Arway said. "This program is designed to encourage adults to take kids fishing, to show them that fishing is fun, and to promote active, outdoor recreation. With warmer weather now here, we are prepared to deliver a great experience."Last year's pilot program was a huge hit with anglers and their friends and we have received nothing but positive comments about it. Adults and kids are excited and we want to keep it that way."To ensure kids and their mentors have an outstanding chance to catch fish May 10, we will stock a fresh load of trout at each designated water, Friday, May 9. Then the waters will be closed to all fishing from noon on May 9 until 8 a.m. on May 10."When the program waters open May 10 fishing will be only for MYFD participants from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., and both youth and adult anglers may keep two trout. After 7:30 p.m. the waters will be open to all anglers and the standard regulations on those waters will apply.To participate, anglers 16 years and older must have a valid fishing license and trout/salmon permit and be accompanied by a youth. Youth anglers must obtain a free PFBC-issued permit or a voluntary youth fishing license, both of which are available online at The Outdoor Shop at

www.GoneFishingPA.com or at any of the more than 900 licensing agents across the state.Also, the PFBC is reminding anglers that the process to participate this year has changed. Last year, participants registered online. Because the program is expanding statewide this year, and with an eye to the future, the PFBC is now using the Pennsylvania Automated License Service to issue youth permits and voluntary licenses."Issuing permits and licenses through PALS allows us to collect and manage information regarding youth anglers," PFBC education section manager Carl Richardson said."Specifically, this process provides us with more customer data for better assessment of lifelong fishing license buying habits and to develop programs designed to retain anglers."As a result, anglers must create a separate customer account for each child in the PALS system, and to obtain the permit or voluntary license, the youth's address, social security number, date of birth, height and eye color must be provided at the time of the transaction. Phone number and e-mail address are optional, and these may be added to the customer's profile at a later time by following the instructions in The Outdoor Shop.For every voluntary youth license sold, the PFBC will receive approximately $5 in federal revenue from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Sport Fish Restoration Act program, which provides funds to states based on a formula that includes the number of licenses a state sells. All revenues earned from a voluntary youth fishing license will be dedicated to youth fishing programs.Also, vouchers for the voluntary license will be available at the 900 license-issuing agents and online. A voucher acts as a gift card and does not require any personal information at the time of sale.Clubs, organizations, businesses and individuals who are interested in promoting youth angling can purchase quantities of voluntary youth license vouchers to distribute to children. Personal information is required at the time the voucher is redeemed and a customer identification number is issued."Based on last year's event, we expect that lots of fish will be caught, many memories will be made and there will be plenty of fun to go around," Arway said. "We expect many anglers to take advantage of this special opportunity."More information about the program, including a list of the waters, is available at


A turnout to rival opening day of the trout season is expected by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission at Locust Lake, Saturday, May 10, for the first statewide Mentored Youth Fishing Day.