Parole, ARD, bail revoked
Carbon County Court Judge Joseph J. Matika has revoked the paroles of three people and booted another four from their spots in the Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition probation program.
Parole revocations:Shaina L. Haas, 27, Lehighton, failed to pass a drug screen. Matika sentenced her to one year in jail, followed by release into a long-term drug rehabilitation program, followed by four years of probation. Haas may be given work release if approved by the prison.George E. Kulkusky, 47, Hazleton, failed to perform 75 hours of community service, pay $100 toward the costs of supervision, and get a drug and alcohol evaluation. He agreed to do that by Nov. 2 or spend 90 days in jail.Ryan A. Yackanicz, 24, Beaver Meadows, tested positive for drugs in violation of the terms of his parole. He also has three more hours to serve on his 25 hours of community service. Matika, as recommended by the Adult Probation Department, sentenced him to three months in jail beginning Jan. 31, 2016. However, Yackanicz has recently completed a shorter rehab program, and will be allowed to enter a long-term program in Florida. If he successfully completes that, he will not have to serve the jail time.ARD revocations:James Kennedy III, 30, Newtown, violated several terms of the program. He agreed to complete the 25 hours remaining on his 50 hours of community service and pay the $2,100 he owes toward the cost of the program, and get drug and alcohol treatment all by Sept. 10. If he fails to do that, he'll be placed back on the trial list.Stephen Runyan, 23, Shippenville, failed to perform his community service and pay the costs of the program. He owes $1,715. Matika gave him until Oct. 10 to pay up and perform the hours of service.Derek L. Thompson, 22, Nesquehoning, failed to perform his community service, pay the costs of the program, and six times tested positive for drug use. Matika put him back on the pretrial list.Dominic Troutman, 23, Columbus, Ohio, failed to pay the costs of the program and to perform his community service. Matika gave him until Oct. 10 to pay the $1,793 he owes and to verify that he performed acceptable community service. Troutman said he had worked for free for Hampton's Lawn Service. Matika and the Adult Probation Department want to make sure that qualifies as community service.Bail revocation:Nicole A. Lynn, 31, Lansford, violated the terms of her bail by testing positive three times for marijuana. Matika set her bail at $2,500 percentage in each of two cases against her. He also instituted zero tolerance for missed drug screens and use of drugs or alcohol. Lynn was immediately remanded to Carbon County prison.