Published August 17. 2010 05:00PM
Summit Hill police have handled a number of cases lately.
Joshua Berko, 21, of 30 W. Holland St., Apt. 1, Summit Hill, was charged with driving without a license. Police saw him driving at about 6:40 p.m. Aug. 9 and knew he did not have a license. A Danielle Woods, 21, of the same address, had called police in times past to tell them he was using her vehicle without her permission. Woods was charged with permitting him to drive her vehicle without a license because, on that day, she had given Berko permission to drive it.Nicole Derr, 26, of 404 E. Ludlow St., Summit Hill, was charged with disorderly conduct. Police on patrol on Aug. 6 at 10:10 p.m. heard a woman yelling obscenities in the 200 block of East Ludlow. The woman was identified as Derr.Thomas Otto, 55, of 117 South Street, Jim Thorpe, was charged with driving under the influence on June 26 at 5:42 p.m. Police had received a report of a person operating a motorcycle in an erratic manner, traveling on Route 902 toward the White Bear intersection. Police saw the bike and saw it driving erratically and stopped it. The operator, Otto, was allegedly under the influence. He was charged with DUI, careless driving, (failing to) drive within a single lane and (failing to obey) minimum speed regulations.Monroe Mechling III, 54, of 17 W. White Bear Dr., Summit Hill. On July 31 at 4:15 p.m., police got a call to respond for a neighbor dispute at 21 W. White Bear Drive. Police were met by the people who lived there. There was an issue with trespassing on their property and they spoke to Mechling concerning that. He allegedly became belligerent and used foul language. He was charged with harassment and disorderly conduct.