Traffic stoppages planned on Northeastern Extension
The Pennsylvania Turnpike reports that motorists traveling northbound and southbound on the Northeastern Extension (I-476) approaching the Lehigh Tunnel and Mahoning Valley Interchange (Exit #74) should be prepared for multiple traffic stoppages of up to 20 minutes Monday through Friday during delivery of "superload" concrete beams to the new Pohopoco Creek Bridge and demolition of the rock slope adjacent to the Lehigh River Bridge.
Monday-Friday (July 26-30), southbound only, the work to deliver the beams will require complete stoppages of up to 20 minutes between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The stoppages are planned to occur at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Monday (7/26); 12:30 p.m. Tuesday (7/27); and 7:30 a.m. and 11 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (7/28-30).Southbound traffic will be stopped at milepost A75.7 in the vicinity of the Mahoning Valley (Exit #74) Interchange and motorists should stay alert for slow-moving or stopped traffic. Customers entering the Turnpike system to travel southbound will be stopped at the Toll Plaza.Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (7/27-29) the general contractor will continue blasting operations for the excavation of the rock slope adjacent to the Lehigh River Bridge. The daytime stoppages are scheduled to occur at 1:00 p.m. but may be conducted anytime within the contractor's allowable window of 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.State Police will stop northbound traffic before the Lehigh Tunnel at the Slatington Maintenance facility (milepost A70.1) where Mountain Road crosses the Turnpike. Southbound traffic will be stopped just north of the Mahoning Valley Interchange. Traffic entering the Northeastern Extension from Route 209 will be stopped at the toll plaza.The work is weather permitting and safety related. Unsafe conditions could cause the stoppages to be delayed for the protection of the traveling public and workers.Motorists are urged to stay alert for slow moving traffic and use extra caution when approaching and entering construction zones and obey posted speed limits. Speed limits will be enforced and fines increased.Motorists are encouraged to plan their travel accordingly and to avoid delays, seek alternate routes. Travel advisories will be posted daily on the project website at and the Highway Advisory Radio (1640 AM) will be activated to provide travel updates.The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission is committed to distributing complete, accurate and consistent travel information and providing exceptional customer service. Visit the PA Turnpike website at for project updates. Be in the know before you go and call
866.976.TRIP (866.976.8747). For emergencies, dial *11 on your mobile phone.