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Plan to enter Schuylkill County Fair food contests

The Schuylkill County Fair will offer a variety of food contests when it convenes July 27 to Aug. 1 at 2270 Fair Road in Schuylkill Haven.

Monetary awards will be given for first, second and third prize.PA Preferred Cookie Brownie or Bar Baking ContestThis contest is open to youth 8-18 only. Submit a plate of six cookies, brownies or bars featuring chocolate or cocoa as a main ingredient, with a minimum of one PA Preferred product used and listed in the recipe.Blue Ribbon Apple Pie ContestSubmit an apple pie with 60 percent apples in the filling. It does not need to be a two-crust pie and it can have a variety in the filling.PA Preferred Chocolate Cake Baking ContestEnter a layered chocolate cake that features chocolate or cocoa as a main ingredient, with at least one PA preferred ingredient identified with its brand name used in and listed in the recipe.Angel Food Cake ContestThe "Incredible Angel Food" cake can be decorated or filled.For these four contests, bring your entry to the fair between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. on July 25.Awards are $20 for first, $15 for second and $10 for third. First-place winner will be eligible to represent the Schuylkill County Fair at the Pennsylvania Farm Show in January.Cupcake WarsThere are two opportunities in this contest. One set of cupcakes will be judged for taste and the other on presentation. The exhibitor must submit six cupcakes of the same kind to be judged.Theme is "Treasure the Memories of Our Roots." Bring your entry to the fairgrounds between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. July 25. Awards are $15 for first; $10 for second; and $5 for third.Vegetable Food ContestThis is a baked vegetable food contest. Submit your vegetables in a baked product, such as a cake, cookie, etc. Bring your entry to the fair between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. July 25. Awards are $15 for first; $10 for second; and $5 for third.Let's Use HoneyEnter a baked good that includes honey in the recipe. Bring your item to the fair between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. July 26. Awards are $15 for first, $10 for second and $5 for third.Wine ContestBe creative with the use of wine in a dessert that serves six. The dessert must contain a minimum of 4 ounces of any Schuylkill County wine in the recipe.Exhibitors must be 21 years or older. Bring your entry to the fairgrounds by 5 p.m. July 28. Awards are $30 for first, $20 for second and $15 for third.Ethnic Foods ContestAny ethnic food from the Schuylkill County region may be entered. Categories include main dish, vegetable or dessert. It is to be brought to the fairgrounds ready to serve on at 5 p.m. July 29. Awards are $30 for first, $20 for second and $15 for third.Schuylkill-GrownCooking ContestThis contest is to be held at 6 p.m. July 28 and is open to both youth and adult with two categories. Adults are to prepare a soup. Youth under 18 are to prepare a quick bread. The recipe must provide a family-size serving and be brought ready to serve the judges by 6:15 p.m. The recipe must include at least three Schuylkill-grown ingredients. First, second and third prize packages will be awarded. The top five participants will receive a Schuylkill-Grown T-shirt.Kids Cupcake ChallengeThis contest is open to children up to 9 years of age, and from 9 to 16. Each exhibitor must provide their own ingredients, and cookware to prepare and serve. Recipes must provide five servings with no premixing or cooking. Cooking is done on site. This contest will be held at 1:30 p.m. July 28. Awards are $20 for first, $15 for second and $10 for third.Boilo ContestThis contest is open to adults 21 or older. Beverages should be brought to the fairgrounds in a sealed container at 7:30 July 30. There is a Boilo, and Apple-pie Boilo contest. Awards are $20 for first, $15 for second and $10 for third.Participants in each contest will be admitted to the fair free with their entry.For more information call 570-527-0294, email

schuylkillfair@gmail.com or pick up a Premium Book, which includes the rules for the 2015 contests.