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District judge Bayer recertified

Magisterial District Judge Stephen J. Bayer was again certified for service as a member of Pennsylvania’s Unified Judicial System after successful completion recently of continuing legal education course work. Conducted by the Minor Judiciary Education Board and the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, the educational program for magisterial district judges is held in Harrisburg.

The week-long instructional program is designed to ensure that magisterial district judges remain current in a variety of legal topics and management techniques required to fairly adjudicate cases and effectively supervise a district court office.

Included in this years’ curriculum are landlord/tenant law update, collection cases, primer on proofs, ethics, debt collection — collectors, LGBTQ cultural humanity, verbal judo, criminal law continuity, search warrants and evidence, expert testimony, practical issues at preliminary hearing, wellness and the legal profession and bail.

Continuing education course work is required by statute of each of the more than 500 Pennsylvania magisterial district judges.