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nature photo contest

Lehigh Gap Nature Center is hosting its third annual Nature in Photographs show at the nature center's Osprey House from today to March 20. Amateur nature photographers from throughout the region have entered the competition and the LGNC panel of judges has selected the top 80-plus photographs in three categories: Wildlife, Scenic and People in Nature (plus a youth category).

The public is welcome to view the show free of charge daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. In addition, the Nature Center's Osprey House will be open to visitors for special evening hours on Wednesday through next Friday. All are welcome to the photographers' reception from 3-5 p.m. March 20.In addition to selecting the photos to be included in the show, the judges have also selected the top three place winners in each category. During the show, visitors will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite photo, with the winning photo receiving the People's Choice Award, the top honor in the show. The top prize is $200 in vouchers from sponsor Dan's Camera City with additional prizes for the winners of each category.For more information, call 610-760-8889, email

lgnc@ptd.net, or check
