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Rain garden guidance workshop in Monroe

On June 26, Penn State Master Gardeners of Monroe County will hold a workshop about rain gardens, at ForEvergreen Nature Preserve, Cherry Lane Road in Analomink. Registration begins at 8:45 a.m.

The workshop is held in conjunction with Brodhead Watershed Association. Presentations include:• 9:30 a.m., "Reasons for Planting a Rain Garden" by master gardener Bob StalcoskieWhat is a rain garden? Why should you plant one? Learn about these useful and beautiful gardens' environmental benefits and how to promote their biodiversity.• 10 a.m., "Selecting Plants for a Rain Garden" by master gardener Amy GirardiRain gardens beautify your landscape, control stormwater, and add wildlife value. But there are special considerations when selecting plants for your rain garden.• 10:30 a.m., "Building a Rain Barrel" by master gardener Cathy LittleExperts will guide you through the process of constructing your own fully functioning rain barrel - a useful device to conserve water for your garden.These presentations are free to the public. A $5 donation would be appreciated to cover the cost of printed handouts and garden supplies. There will be a limited number of rain barrels available for sale after the presentation for $25.For more information call the Monroe County Extension office at 570-421-6430, email

monroeExt@psu.edu or visit

extension.psu.edu/plants/gardening/events.For information about Brodhead Watershed Association events and rain gardens, see brodheadwatershed.org.