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Camperships available for three children of Pennsylvania soldiers

Three scholarships remain open for two week camp at Camp Speers-Eljibar in Pike County.

The camp is sponsored by Operation Military Kids, which provides the a camp for Pennsylvania military children, including those of fallen warriers. Campers start at third grade (meaning that they will be in third grade in the fall but are in second grade now) and go up through those teens who are in 10th grade now and 11th grade in the fall. They also serve children/teens with developmental disabilities (such as Down syndrome or Autism Spectrum Disorders) up to age 20 through ACCES (All Children Can Experience Speers-Eljabar) program, Partners with Heroes.Beyond the scholarships above, active military families (including those of fallen heroes) automatically receive a 25 percent scholarship on summer camp and family camp programs. Info on website.Information on camp can be found at the following website:
