Seniors told they won't be facing the big step alone
Tearing away from the comfort and security of home, family and friends to venture into a new world of strangers and the pressures of college and careers is a scary proposition, Pastor Adam D'Albero told the Weatherly Area High School Class of 2010.
But they should take heart in knowing they won't be facing that big step alone."God is always by your side," he told the Class. "You'll face a lot of challenges, but you'll never face them alone."D'Albero spoke to the class at their Baccalaureate service, held Sunday at Our Lady of Lourdes church in Weatherly.He advised the class to use the Bible as their road map through life's journey.To illustrate his point, he told the story of two young buddies who, instead of studying for a crucial college exam, went instead to a party. They stayed too long, and had no time to study and missed the exam.The two told their professor that a flat tire caused them to be late. He put them into separate rooms and handed them a two-page exam.On the first page was a simple question; both students immediately felt relief and confidence they had pulled off their scam and would pass with flying colors.But as they turned to page two of the exam and read the question, on which rested 95 percent of their grades - and their diploma - their confidence evaporated. The question?"Which tire was flat?"Had they followed Biblical teachings, D'Albero said, they would have told the truth, and had a better chance of being forgiven and being allowed to take the actual exam.The students' fear of failing lead them to lie. But, D'Albero said, the Bible tackles fear, over and over."The Bible is full of 'fear-not' verses," he said. Sure, you'll make mistakes, he told the class. But instead of being fearful of trying again, learn from those failures."The only people who do not fail are those who do nothing," D'Albero said.With God by your side, he said, "You are never, never alone."The service also included a song sung by Daniel Healy, "City on our Knees," a meditative hymn, "Peace my Friend," sung by Dylan Callhan and Erin Sarosky and "Joyful, Joyful," led by Cecilia Maleski.