Published January 06. 2017 02:46PM
The Pennsylvania Farm show opens tomorrow and runs through Jan. 14. This is the 101st year for the largest agriculture exposition in the country.
To test your farm show knowledge, the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association developed this quiz.A second quiz, "Which PA Farm Show Animal Are You" can be found at the quiz and see how you stack up. The answers are at the end of the quiz.1.What year did the farm show start?A. 1901B. 1943C. 1935D. 19162.What year did the farm show start?A. Strawberries & CreamB. VanillaC. Chocolate3.Approximately how many competitive exhibits are on display at the Farm Show?A. 8,000B. 24,000C. 13,000D. 7504.Which of these foods is NOT available at the PA Farm Show Food Court?A. Honey waffleB. Beef Brisket SandwichC. Potato doughnutsD. Deep Fried Tofu5.In what year was the Butter Sculpture introduced to the PA Farm ShowA. 1991B. 1972C. 1985D. 19996.The Farm Show Complex houses how many acres, spread throughout 11 buildings including three arenasA. 18B. 10C. 8D. 247.In what year was the Merry-go-round introduced to the Main Hall?A. 1954B. 1936C. 1962D. 19468.Which of the following is NOT a small arena activity?A. Butter churningB. Cow milking contestC. Spinning & WeavingD. Blacksmithing9.Does it always snow Farm Show week?A. NoB. YesAnswers: 1. D; 2. A; 3. C; 4. D; 5. A; 6. D; 7. D; 8. A; 9. A.
The butter sculpture is unveiled at the 101st Pennsylvania Farm Show in Harrisburg, Thursday. The sculpture, made from more than 1,000 pounds of butter, pays tribute to the history of environmental stewardship by dairy farmers. DAN GLEITER/PENNLIVE.COM VIA AP Copyright - PA MEDIA GROUP