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I have the opportunity to write something for the Times News, so I thought for the first time doing this, I thought of gratitude.

Quick definition of gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for, and to return kindness.Living in gratitude can be a way of life, such a wonderful expression and beautiful way to live - to be grateful for what we have, verses what we don't have. Being grateful is one thing, but living and showing gratitude is another. It's appreciation. It's an action.Most of us, if we take a good, honest look at ourselves and our lives, we have what we need. It may not be the way we'd necessarily like it, but I bet each of you has been provided for, and I can also say that, for myself - as a child, even though I know it was rough for my mom, but we made it through that stage. I've been provided for through my teen and college years, also through my addiction, and now. It may not always seem easy to walk in gratitude, especially during tougher times, but if we pick even just one thing that we can see to be thankful for, that one little bit of light, it may just open the door for more.I try not to take things or granted. I try to enjoy what may seem like the little things.Take time to look at the sky. Take time to appreciate that you have a roof over your head, that you can hear or see, that you have decent health, that you have at least one person in your life who cares about you; that you have a pet that may love and need you.Take time to notice the trees, and their shapes and sizes, check out reflections in windows, puddles, etc. This list can go on and on.Maybe every morning, write down five things for which you are grateful. Start off your day with a gratitude list. Try it for a week or two, or even a month. Try to write down five different things every day. I bet you may be able to think of more than five things, too! Really think about what you are jotting down.It becomes appreciation. It becomes gratitude, and it's wonderful to carry it with us as we go about our day, as we continue to look for more to be grateful for, and even express it.Some days may be better than others, of course, but overall, it's a great way to live, and try to have a childlike faith and awe in what we have in our lives.That is gratitude in action.

The sunrise at Chatham Fish Pier in Chatham, Massachusetts, on March 22. Copyright - Dreams by Desha / Desha Utsick