'A Parade For Sam' is provided to kindergarten students in PV area
Approximately 150 copies of "A Parade For Sam" were given to kindergarten students in Panther Valley Elementary School and Our Lady of the Angels Academy, Summit Hill, thanks to the efforts of Disciples of Christ (DOC), an outreach committee of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Summit Hill.
The children were charmed by the story of the mischievous puppy and delighted to have the book for their very own.The book was written by Mary Labbatt and is a level one reading book with simple sentences, easy vocabulary, simple visual clues and lots of repetition. The book tells the story of when a parade goes past Sam's house, the adorable, friendly puppy won't quit until she's marching in step with the jugglers, clowns and drum majorette. The title is part of a series of Sam books.Before the distribution of the book, the Rev. Hazel read, "Oh the Places You'll Go," by Dr. Seuss to the students."You'll never be lonely or bored if you can read," said The Rev. Hazel. "You allow yourself to be bored. Pick up a book and you can travel to space or learn about science."The Rev. Hazel encouraged the children to pick up a dictionary and read it to "learn what all the wonderful words mean."Members of DOC include the Rev. John F. Hazel Jr., pastor; Mary Ann Hazel, Paige Rex, Gary Blake, Emma Weaver and Sherri Buzik. Programs to cover the cost of the books included a free will offering and a fundraiser at Lehighton McDonald's. Additional funding will be provided by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, which matched the funds $3 for each $1 raised.Anyone who would like to contribute to the literacy project, should send donations to the Literacy Project, St. Paul Lutheran Church, 123 W. White St., Summit Hill, Pa. 18250. The Literacy Project was started in 2005.This was the third distribution of "Sam" series books to kindergarten students in the Panther Valley area.